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Explore The Cosplay World of Kafka

by SanyMuCos-Vickey 19 Jun 2023 0 Comments

Kafka is a very popular character in the Honkai: Star Rail. She is a gorgeous, composed, and serene member of the Stellaron Hunters. Only her name and her pastime are listed in her entry on the Interastral Peace Corporation's wanted list. She has always been perceived as being classy, respectable, and dedicated to seeking out the beautiful—even when engaged in combat. Now let’s move forward to Kafka’s cosplay world.

Click here to check Kafka cosplay from sanymucosplay

"You won't remember a thing except me." —— Kafka

Kafka is like a killer or agent in the background setting. She is good with using a lot of different weapons and she is also very good at hiding her tracks. Therefore her outfits is mainly composed of black, white and purple. Sanymucos’ designers combined reality with her character setting to create a color-neutral cosplay costume. This black cloak-style jacket features a crisp white shirt underneath and a unique purple wig, giving it an edgy yet sophisticated look. Not only that, the designers are also very focus on the details of the outfits. Such as the spiderweb pattern that often appears on Kafka’s outfits and also the lines on her costume.

Click here to check Kafka costume from sanymucosplay

Kafka’s Sword

In addition to Kafka’s costumes, another attractive item is her weapon. I believe you must be very impressed by her long sword. In the game, the chosen adversary is struck by Kafka's sword with lightning damage, and there is a chance that the target will also be electrocuted. In reality, It is simple to identify the long sword's prototype as a samurai sword from Japan. However, this long sword also has a highly modern and mechanical sense because the game is set in space. The designers from Sanymucos used woodiness materials to make this long sword. This will make the item more robust, reliable and durable. At the same time, this further enhances its texture.

Click here to check Kafka sword from sanymucosplay

Kafka’s SMG

Kafka also has a pair of SMG as her secondary weapons. In the game, Kafka, who is skilled at seizing an opening to attack, will occasionally use an SMG to sneak up on an opponent while her teammates are focusing on the target. The designers of Sanymucos have also replicated this pair of SMG. The prop was made out of PVC material. making them more portable and practical.

Click here to check Kafka SMG from sanymucosplay

Kafka Community

In addition to her popularity in the game, Kafka is also highly sought after in the real-life cosplay community. Many veteran cosplayers from different reguions have already begun to express their love for Kafka through their excellent cosplay works. Certainly, Sanymucos is not only to designing, producing and selling cosplay costumes, but also has always been committed to building a loving cosplay community for everyone. Sanymucos always hope and welcome more new blood to join the cosplay family.

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