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I'll Be the Pirate King! - One Piece Netflix Reflection

by SanyMuCos-Vickey 22 Sep 2023 0 Comments

It has been almost a month since One Piece TV series was premiered on August 31st. Currently all 8 episodes of the first season have been updated. On Rotten Tomatoes the TOMATOMETER reached 86%, and the AUDIENCE SCORE reached 95%. Based on this data, we could confirm this TV series is a huge success for both new viewers and loyal fans of the One Piece series. As a TV series adapted from anime, its success is inseparable from the restoration of the original anime. In this blog, I will introduce the three main characters in One Piece.

Monkey D. Luffy

The first one is definitely our captain Luffy! As the core character of the entire series, I believe everyone pays the most attention to him. He aspires to become the Pirate King by discovering the fabled wealth that the late Gol D. Roger left behind. When Luffy was 7 years old, he inadvertently consumed the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which converted his body into rubber. When he grew up, he became the man we know who wanted to be the Pirate King. In terms of the plot of this TV series, Luffy's appearance and his childhood experience with Shanks are basically similar to the anime. In terms of outfits, Luffy in this TV show is the most realistic of all the characters we know from the anime. A red vest and a pair of blue denim shorts, especially his iconic straw hat. The Luffy cosplay costumes provided by SanyMuCos include his straw hat, because this is the most important symbol of restoring Luffy.

Click here for Luffy’s cosplay costume

Roronoa Zoro

Although Zoro is not the absolute number one protagonist, it still does not prevent everyone from loving him. He is a man of few words, and before he joined Luffy's team, he was a bounty hunter who made a living by hunting down pirates on wanted posters. He is a top swordsman, especially when he draws his third sword to fight, which always makes the audience excited. In the TV show, his action design is undoubtedly wonderful, and it can be said to be a enjoyment to watch Zoro's action scenes every time. Therefore, the audience does not have much controversy about the restoration of the role of Zoro. In terms of outfits, Zoro’s costume in this TV series doesn’t has much difference with the anime, except for the top. Personally, I think Zoro's top style in the TV show will be better. The cosplay costume provided by SanyMuCos not only restores the character, but also includes Zoro's iconic three earrings on his left ear.

Click here for Zoro’s cosplay costume


The last character here will be Nami. She is currently the only female character to appear in the Straw Hat Pirates in the first season. Regarding her restoration of Nami, she is currently the most controversial character in the first season, because Nami left such a deep impression on the audience, when the trailer for this TV show was first released, everyone thought that the Netflix version of Nami was too different from the anime, which made everyone unable to accept it for a while. However, after watching the show you will find it hard not to like her. For this kind of television work that adapts classic animation, I believe that the director’s casting of each character is not unreasonable. In terms of outfits, Nami in the first season restores her early image in the comics and it's not the bikini impression that everyone has in mind, so this may be one of the controversies. SanyMuCos will also provide this set of Nami’s early classic sailor-style costumes.

Click here for Nami’s cosplay costume

I believe everyone has finished watching the first season. As a TV series that restores classic anime, it is a huge challenge for directors, screenwriters, and actors. Overall, Netflix's One Piece provides a real visual feast for both new and loyal fans. So we definitely have reason to look forward to its second season update.

Here’s also a super sales on SanyMuCos Halloween collection, pick up your Halloween costume and get it before Halloween

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