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【Genshin Impact 4.1】Genshin Impact Fontaine Hot Character Magician Lyney's Assistant - Lynette

by SanyMuCos-Vickey 09 Oct 2023 0 Comments

In the Genshin Impact, Lynette is a functional role of wind element, which mainly deals Anemo DMG to enemies. She is the assistant of the magician Lyney. She is usually quiet, seldom speaks, keeps a low profile, and her movements are as elusive as cats. Today, SANYMUCOS is happy to introduce her to you.

 Normal Attack-Rapid Ritesword

Normal Attack
Perform up to four consecutive sword strikes.

Spend a certain amount of energy and instantly swing two swords forward.

Drop attack
Falling from the air and impacting the ground, attacking enemies on the path of falling and causing area damage when landing.

Enigmatic Feint

Lynette waves her cloak and uses Enigma Thrust to cause Anemo DMG. When Enigma Thrust hits an enemy, it will restore Lynette's health. The amount of recovery is based on Lynette's upper limit of health, and a certain amount of health will be consumed every second for the next 4 seconds.

Quickly use Enigma Thrust.

Lynette dashes forward in the form of Pilfering Shadow and applies Shadowsign to nearby enemies. During this period, she can control the direction of the sprint and end the sprint state early by casting the skill again.

At the end of the sprint, Lynette will use Enigma Thrust. If there is an enemy with Shadowsign nearby, Lynette will dodge close to the enemy at high speed before using Enigma Thrust.

At the same time, at least one enemy has the Shadowsign imposed by Lynette herself. When the distance to an enemy with Shadowsign is too far, the Shadowsign will be removed.

Every once in a while, when Lynette uses Enigma Thrust, she will summon Surging Blade, causing Ousia-aligned Anemo DMG. 

Magic Trick : Astonshing Shift

Lynette raises her cloak high to cause Anemo DMG, and uses amazing techniques to make a giant Bogglecat Box.

 Bogglecat Box can continue to taunt surrounding enemies and attract enemy attacks and periodically deal Anemo DMG to nearby enemies.

When the Bogglecat Box comes into contact with Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro, it will acquire the corresponding elemental attributes and periodically launch additional Vivid Shots at nearby enemies, causing damage of that element. Elemental transformation only occurs once during the skill's duration.

Sophisticated Synergy

Within a period of time after Lynette's casting elements broke out, according to the number of element types of characters in the team, the attack power of all characters in the team will be improved.

Props Positively Prepped

After the elements of the Bogglecat Box summoned by Elemental Burst are transformed, the damage caused by Lynette's elemental burst is increased by 15%, and the effect lasts until the duration of the Surprise Cat Box ends.

Loci-Based Mnemonics

Display the location of the surrounding resurrecting water mass on the mini-map, and Underwater Stamina and HP gained from the touching the orbs will be increased.


After getting to know her a little bit, have you fallen in love with this quiet and mysterious girl? Next, we will introduce to you the costume made by SANYMUCOS.

High elastic leather 

Click here to check Lynette cosplay costume 

Lynette is the most low-key magical assistant in Tivat, and she is also a cute and quiet girl. Based on the characteristics of the character, the slim and elastic leather is comfortable to wear and has a high degree of restoration. Flexible belts and exquisite embroidered accessories can reflect the beauty and restore the character to the maximum extent, showing SANYMUCOS' control of fabrics. In addition, SANYMUCOS also perfectly restores the design of the skirt, with exquisite ruffles, distinct colors and rich layering, which is also a test of craftsmanship.

Exquisite butterfly decoration

Click here to check Lynette cosplay costume

Lynette's bow is conspicuous and beautiful. Exquisite black butterfly curls to fit the figure, and the shoulders are pinned with a thin bow, which shines brightly. The three-dimensional pattern of the shawl uses positioning laser cutting technology. The layered design shows the complexity of the craft, and at the same time it looks more gorgeous and exquisite.

Delicate texture

Click here to check Lynette Collection 

The 3D printed cat armband is carefully customized by SANYMUCOS. The plush texture of the cat ears and cat tail will make you fall in love with it when you touch it. There are also positioning prints, all of which restore the details in depth. SANYMUCOS always chooses the most suitable fabrics and try our best to bring a pleasant experience to every cosplayer.

The fabric of this shoe is made of PU leather, which has a natural luster, softness and comfort. It has a metal chain head and looks very delicate. In addition, the slender boots can modify the shape of your legs and make your cosplay look better.

SANYMUCOS has been committed to making every piece of clothing, not only requiring in-depth restoration of details, but also paying attention to the quality assurance of costume.

Only those who dare to innovate can maintain the vitality of an enterprise, and only those who concentrate on doing good work and forge ahead can go a long way. SANYMUCOS would like to do our part to bring you a better role-playing experience.

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