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【Genshin Impact 4.1】Genshin Impact Fontaine Hot Character Furina's Deep Analysis and Textual Research

by SanyMuCos-Vickey 19 Oct 2023 0 Comments

Before we realize, our journey had been going on for three years. Leaving the lush rainforest and the vast hot desert, the travelers are about to set off for their next destination - the country of Fontaine, a place called "Justice". The release of the version preview is one of the most exciting moments every year, because it not only means that we will experience a new adventure, but also means that the game will start its next evolution.

The Prophecy of "Sea" and the Change of "Water"

Don’t know when but Fontaine spread a prophecy: “Everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the Water God crying on the throne.” Later, Lynette also said: "The sea is swallowing up our memories bit by bit, and then ourselves." (Subsequently, Lynette accidentally disappeared during the water tank escape magic, as if she "dissolved" in the water. ). At the end of the plot in 3.8, Idyia told the travelers that one of the reasons why the pure water elves fled Fontaine was that the water in Fontaine was contaminated and no longer suitable for survival. In her words, "the water is tainted with hatred and suffering."

Based on the above clues, it can be determined that Fontaine's "sea" (the proper noun is called "Fontemer") is by no means an ordinary body of water, and seems to have the ability to absorb human emotions and memories. Its attributes are inevitably reminiscent of the "L.C.L. Sea" in EVA, where humans will be indistinguishable from each other, life will return to the origin of its birth, and soul and consciousness will be integrated. This prophecy will undoubtedly run through the entire Fontaine storyline like Sumeru's "The World Forgot Me" and ultimately reveal its meaning.

Idyia's statement that "the water is tainted with hatred and suffering" may well be related to the Cataclysm of Khaenri’ah. On the one hand, it refers to the tide of black beasts that polluted the original sea water. On the other hand, according to the description of the Artifact set "Nymph’s Dream", it can be seen that Fontaine's proud fleet went out collectively to fight against the disaster, and in the end almost the entire army was annihilated, the Vice Director of the Narzissenkreuz Institute died in this tragic battle and was buried at the bottom of the sea together with many naval soldiers. If the Fontemer has the ability to absorb human emotions, then the memories of the Fontaine warriors with strong fear, grief, anger, and unwillingness may have been absorbed by the Fontemer in large quantities and unable to be released, eventually causing the nature of "water" to be changed.

Judgment is Performance/ Justice and Farce

In Fontaine society, the core of operation is based on a set of "trial" mechanisms, but this "trial" is not a serious law enforcement activity. On the contrary, in Fontaine, the boundary between "trial" and "performance" is Blurry. People even view "The Trial" as a kind of "opera". We can also get a glimpse of it from the fact that the tribunal that should be a sacred judicial place is named "Opera Epiclese".

The trial, one of Fontaine's most important public events, has become both popular and entertaining. The water god, who became the source of this strange system, was very fascinated by this "trial performance" and was keen on all the farce and reversals in the court. This approach makes it difficult not to question this god, and the man's angry rebuke and Navia's questioning directly express people's anger and accusations against the water god.

"Pursuing justice and pursuing farce, but turning a blind eye to the suffering of ordinary people!"

"In your eyes, the value of life is not comparable to the ruthless rules and laws in your hands, right?"

Obviously, the Water Goddess, like the previous Beelzebul, has fallen into some kind of wrong obsession, and even worse, she looks mad. This hysteria is also reflected in the Water Goddess forcing the pure water elves, the dependents of the previous Water Gods, to Tribe - Act as a spy in the mainland area and start hunting down the Pure Water Tribe after they disobey. However, there must be some root cause for the water goddess's abnormal behavior. What makes her such a god? This needs to wait for the plot to give the answer.

What is also very surprising is that "Childe" who has not been seen for a long time actually appears in the main plot again. In the PV, "Childe" somehow got into a confrontation with Supreme Judge Neuvillette in front of the court, and said, "The trial that the people of Fontaine are proud of... is so ridiculous. If these are your rules, Then I have my own rules!" and the scene of liberating the evil eye and preparing for battle (the sound even started a cool BGM), which is really cool.

However, why "Childe" appeared in Fontaine and how he was involved in the conflict is indeed more puzzling. Considering that the mastermind behind Fontaine's main plot has been identified as "The Knave", we highly suspect that "Childe" will be used as a tool by his colleagues this time, but we cannot rule out the possibility that he saves the situation for the Traveler. In any case, the "Childe" speech once again emphasized the unreasonableness of Fontaine's current trial system.

"Épiclèse" is the French version of "Epiclesis", which means "prayer of consecration" or "prayer for the Holy Spirit", which refers to a prayer to one or more gods. The word originated from ancient Greece (Ancient Greek: ἐπίκλησις) and was a title used as a surname for a god in a religious context. Later, this concept was borrowed and introduced into Christianity, referring to part of the Anaphora recited by the priest when praying for the blessing of the Holy Spirit on the bread and wine of the Eucharist.

Therefore, "Opera Epiclesis" can be translated as "Opera Consecrated", which gives Fontaine's dramatic and entertaining absurd trial a divine color.

The title of the scene may be derived from a poem "Il pleure dans mon cœur" written by the French Symbolist poet Paul Verlaine. This poem was written by Verlaine during a period of emotional crisis, when he lost the love of his boyfriend Rimbaud and his wife because of his mistakes. Verlaine was a bisexual, and his lover was Atier Rimbaud, another famous poet of his generation. Together with Stéphane Mallarmé, the two became representatives of early Symbolist poetry in France. It plays an important role in the history of poetry.

The first stanza of Verlaine's poem is excerpted as follows:

Il pleut doucement sur la ville.

Arthur Rimbaud

Il pleure dans mon cœur

Comme il pleut sur la ville;

Quelle est cette langueur

Qui pénètre mon cœur?

This passage first quoted a poem by his lover Rimbaud, "Il pleut doucement sur la ville" (The drizzle fell in the city), and then wrote: "Il pleure dans mon cœur" (The tears fell in the heart), because in French, "tears fell" "(pleure)" and "rainfall" (pleut) form a clever homophony, which expresses his painful and hesitant state of mind with tears streaming down his face.

Considering the scene of the Water God crying at the beginning of the PV trailer, perhaps the title of this drama is hinting that although the Water God appears to be flamboyant and free on the surface, he actually hides deep confusion and unspeakable secrets.

Furina is also one of the characters that everyone is looking forward to in Genshin Impact. Below is an introduction to his cosplay costumes.Furina dons a suit-like ensemble in a deep shade of blue, adorned with accessories that resemble glistening water droplets. She completes the look with a top hat featuring a delicate ribbon and white frills.She also accessorizes with a black glove on her right hand and a white one on her left. She pairs her suit with white shorts attached to black garters and dons dark-colored shoes with her personal emblem patterned on the soles.

High-quality fabrics and accessories will not cause harm or discomfort to the human body.

A variety of different designs and styles to suit different occasions and needs.

Exquisite handcrafting, using a variety of handcrafts such as embroidery, weaving, sewing, etc., gives it high quality and artistic value.

Customizable, it can be customized to suit different occasions, needs, and the wearer's body shape.

As the soul character of the new nation Fontaine, SanyMuCos provide a full cosplay set of her. You could find the best quailty with the Premium Edition, the faster delivery and more size option with the "Plus Size Pack". At last, never forget to get a wig and shoes for yourself! Hope you enjoy this article and communicate with us about the Fontaine!

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